Did you know that coupon codes are a versatile marketing technique that can encourage quick sales on your online store, reward loyal customers, or even entice abandoned cart customers to come back and complete their transaction. Watch the video below to find out how to use coupon codes in the Website.com site builder.
Video Transcript:
Hi everyone! In this video I’m going to show you how to increase your sales for your online store by creating coupon codes.
Coupon codes allow shoppers to get a discount when they apply the coupon code at checkout. This is a great technique to encourage shoppers to make a purchase when they’re on the fence, or even reward loyal shoppers with an exclusive discount.
I’ve created my online store with Website.com, and now what I want to do is create my coupon code.
So all Website.com Business plan levels include the capability to offer coupon codes. You can check your plan to see how many coupon codes are included with your plan, and I’ll drop that link in the description box.
So I’m logged into my website.com editor, and I’ve already created my store. If you need to create an online store, feel free to check out our playlist on that topic to see how to make one!
So now to manage my store, click on the store icon on the left. Now click Manage Coupons.
Click Add Coupon.
Now we can go ahead and customize the coupon code. You can use this autogenerated coupon code, or you can create a custom coupon code. I’ll just change it to: 20OFF.
There are 4 different types of coupon codes.
Percent off allows the customer to use the code to take a percentage off of their order total, specific collections, or specific products.
You can choose the discount value, and what the minimum purchase amount is needed for the coupon to apply.
You can choose to apply the percentage discount to the entire order, choose specific collections the coupon is eligible for, or even which specific products you want to apply the discount for.
Price discount allows you to take off a fixed amount, so for example, you can set it so the coupon will give the customer $10 off their total order, or $10 off of each item.
Similar to the percent off discount code, you can set your minimum purchase amount, and which products the coupon can be applied to.
Fixed price will allow you to offer customers a special fixed price for each product that it can apply to. You can choose to apply this as a fixed price for each eligible product, which is the recommended setting for this type of coupon code.
If you like, you can set the coupon code to allow the customer to pay one fixed price as the total for all of the products in the cart. So for example, if the fixed price is $10, even if they have 1 item or 100 items in their cart, the customer will only pay $10 total. This would be a pretty extreme discount, so most store owners don’t choose to offer this.
The Free shipping code will allow shoppers to save on the shipping cost! You can choose which locations are eligible for the free shipping code by choosing which region rules you want it to apply to.
You can add your region rules under Settings > Shipping and Tax. I’ve already added some different region rules, so you can click Add/Remove region rules to set which regions are eligible for the free shipping code.
So, I’ve already created my custom code to say 20OFF, so I’ll go ahead and make it a Percent off discount.
I’ll make the discount value 20% off. I won’t set a minimum purchase amount. And I’ll have this apply to my entire order.
I’m going to limit the coupon to once per customer, so the coupon won’t work more than once for each customer email.
You can also change the date for when the coupon will become active. This is great if you want to plan a promotional campaign in advance. You can also set an end date if you want the campaign to expire.
So my coupon is enabled, and I’ll click Save!
So now that this coupon has been created, when customers go to the checkout, they can enter the coupon code to save on their order.
There are a few ways to share your coupon code, for example, on your Social Media, through customer newsletters, or even through a custom abandoned cart recovery email.
The easiest way to promote your coupon code is directly on your website. I’ll just go to my homepage and show you a quick way to do this.
So first I’ll click Add> Strip. And I’ll choose a colour strip.
Next I’ll resize and move the strip above the menu, in the header section.
Next I’ll add some text. I’ll write “Save 20% off your order with code: 20OFF”
I’ll just edit the styling.
And now that all of this is done, I can go ahead and publish the changes.
So that’s it for this video! Coupon codes are a great way to boost your sales for a successful online store. If you liked this content, please remember to subscribe to our Youtube channel. Thanks for watching!