Make sure you’re making the most of your online store with these 3 features! Dive in and explore how to boost your branding, build professionalism and increase sales with these easy tips.
Business Logo
You probably know that you can change a logo on your website header, but did you know that you can upload a business logo that will appear on your Checkout and in Order emails?
Having your logo appear in these places can give your website a sense of professionalism and also gives you another opportunity to grow and reinforce your branding.
To upload your business logo, in the website builder, click on Site Settings, and under Ecommerce, click Business Info.
Click the Change button under Business Logo to upload your logo. You can add it from your file manager if you’ve already uploaded it, or go ahead and upload it from there. Once you’ve selected your logo to add, click Save.
To ensure the Business Logo will be shown on your emails, open the Store Manager and click Notifications. Now make sure “Show Business Logo” is checked (available with Business Basic plans and above). Remember to Save and Publish your changes!
Custom Sender Address
The next feature to highlight is the custom sender address, which is available for Business Basic plans and above. This feature lets you have your custom domain email as the sender for order, abandoned cart and member emails.
Having a custom domain email sender helps build credibility for your business, and also makes it more likely for visitors to trust you and your emails.
To set your custom email sender, go to Site Settings, and choose Custom Sender Email Address under Communications.
Now you can input your details for your custom domain email made with
Make sure you have already created your domain email account, and you can watch a separate tutorial video to see how to do that.
You can make an email account with a more general name, like notifications @ your domain, since this will be the sender for all your order, abandoned cart, and member emails.
Once you have your domain email account with, you can input that information.
We also have a video which walks you through exactly how to do this in more detail.
Customize Checkout
Did you know that you can customize what your customers see on the checkout page?
To do this, click on Store, and then click Open Store Manager.
Under Advanced settings, click Customize Checkout.
Now you can choose different options for what you want to appear on the checkout. Add Terms and Conditions to your Checkout page, customize your checkout Thank You pages, and more.
Note that for these customizations, different options are available for different plans.
Which of these features are you planning to try? Let us know in the comments!
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