How To Add Navigation Links To Your Footer

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In this article, you’ll learn how to add navigation links to your website footer.

Footer navigation links can improve the user experience of your website, making it simple for site visitors to find what they need on your website.

Adding internal footer links can also be helpful for SEO, as you add more links pointing to pages within your website, and it helps to enhance a logical website structure.

So let’s go ahead and add navigation links to the website footer!

Remember that the footer is global, which means the changes you make here will be made on the footer on ALL of your website pages.  

Make sure you’re logged into your account, and click on the footer section of your website. 

Go ahead and click on the footer, and then on the left, click on Navigation Links.

Click Edit, and then you’ll be able to add the links that you want to appear in your footer.

Link To Pages

You can add internal links, which are pages on your website. Just choose the page, and choose which section of the page you would want visitors to first land on when they click the link. 

Link To Store

In addition to adding a link to your Store Home, you can also add a link to a Store Collection, which is a great idea so visitors can quickly find certain collections, such as Sale.

Link To File

You can also link to a file. When you link to a file, just choose a file that you’ve already uploaded to the file manager, or upload one. For example, if you have a website for a wedding venue, you may want to include a link to download a PDF of your venue booking policies.

Now choose what action you want to happen once a visitor clicks the link to the file. You can choose to have them Download the file, open in the same window, or open in a new tab.

Click Save, and then you can create a label for your file link.

External Links

You might also want to add external links to your website, for example if you have a partner website or external resource website.

You can link to your email or phone number.

It’s a good idea to change the label so that it will be more aesthetically pleasing or more clear to your visitors. For example, if you add a phone number, it’s useful to change the label to something like “Call Us.”

Check The Navigation Link Labels and Reorder

After you’ve added all the links, you can see the link labels and link destinations. Feel free to change the labels, which is how the link will appear in your footer.

You can also click on the dots to the left, and drag to rearrange the navigation links. 

After that’s done, click Save.

Publish Your Changes to Live

When you’re happy with it, remember to publish your changes to live. You’re all set!

Want to watch a video tutorial and follow along? Voila!